
Is it possible to select only one day using the date picker solution ?

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Is there a way to apply the date picker to a dashboard with multiple charts and some tables? I tried adding the "date filter" to the filter section in the worksheet for my table. The table doesn't contain dates so it didn't work.

When a user is in the dashboard and selecting dates with the tool, I'd like for it to also filter the info displayed in the table.

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Hi, You should be able to achieve this by applying the date filter that the date picker controls to your new sheet as well, steps should be as follows:

- Create a new sheet

- Go back to Number Orders Per Day sheet

- Click the Date Filter: True pill in the Filters shelf

- Click Apply to Worksheets > Selected Worksheets

- Tick the new sheet in the pop up box and click OK

- The date picker should now apply to that sheet as well and you can go ahead and add it to the dashboard

I've put together a quick example demonstrating this at the link below too:


Hope this helps!

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Hi Kaitlin, I have the same requirement as yours. Did you find a solution for this? If so, please share your thoughts. Thanks, Pooja (gourlbibo@gmail.com)

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Hi, Pooja. I was unable to find a solution so I ended up going the normal route instead of implementing this fancier version.

1. Add your date field to the Filters card on one of your worksheets. I selected Range of Dates for my purposes.

2. Then, within the Filters card, right-click the green pill for your date field. Select Show Filter.

3. Go to your dashboard. Whichever visualization was the one you had on that worksheet, select that one. Once selected, click the down arrow ("More Options") to bring up the menu on that visualization.

4. In the dropdown menu, hover over Filters and select the filter you created in Steps 1-2.

5. When the filter appears in the dashboard, click the down arrow ("More Options") on the filter. Hover over "Apply to Worksheets" and then when that menu appears, click one of the four options. For my purposes I selected "All Using Related Data Sources" but your purpose may be different.

All the charts on your dashboard should now be able to be filtered by this tool.

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I appreciate so much for sharing this. I can go similar route, but the issue I find is I will have to display a reference line for last year based on user selection in the same sheet on bar graph. So with the date filter in Filter self overwrites the purpose of showing Last year.

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Oh, wow. Unfortunately, I'm relatively new to Tableau and don't know how to help with that issue. Good luck with your search!

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@Alan Murray: Any thoughts on this req? Thank you

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