Top Tableau Blog Posts
Just Updated: Keep up to date with all the latest Tableau content with out Top Tableau Blog Posts viz on Tableau Public
Introducing our ‘Top Tableau Blogs’ viz!
We’re delighted to announce that our brand new ‘Top Tableau Blogs’ viz is now available on Tableau Public, you can access it by clicking the picture below or at this link:
How does it work?
Every week we review all the top active Tableau blogs as part of our weekly Tableau Tea Break newsletter. While doing this we update our top tableau blog posts viz with the latest posts, plus any new blogs and re-publish the viz to Tableau Public.
You can filter by month and individual blogs are shown on the left ordered by the number of posts in the selected month(s). You can see all the individual blog posts on the right hand side, with the most recent at the top - clicking any of the items takes you directly through to that blog article.
You can also filter on individual blogs by clicking them on the left to only see posts from that blog. The tooltip shows you when they last posted, the number of articles they’ve posted each month and how frequently they post. You can also click to visit the selected blog direct from the tooltip.
We add posts and blogs throughout the week with a full update every Sunday meaning the longest time between a post being published and appearing in the viz is seven days.
When did you last update this?
The last update was on Sunday 6th December 2020 where we added:
1 new blog this week:
Tableau-ish from Tarun Deep Chhabra including 6 posts since November.
14 blog posts from this week:
5 new posts from the official Tableau blog.
Preppin’ data week 48 solution and week 49 challenge.
1 post from Tri My Data on Makeover Monday week 48.
1 new guest post from The Flerlage Twins.
1 new post post from OneNumber.
1 new post from Viz Art Pandey
2 posts from Tesselation
1 new post from Datavis.
What blogs does it cover?
At least every month we look through all the Tableau blogs to see which have been active that month, we cover blogs that are regularly posting at least once a month. You can find a list of active and inactive blogs here: Ultimate list of active Tableau blogs
The currently active blogs covered in the viz are:
Blogs that tend to post multiple times per week
Official Tableau Blog - Tends to be the most active with a number of posts every few days covering a wide range of topics related to Tableau.
Preppin’ Data - Not strictly a blog, preppin’ data presents a challenge each week involving preparing data in a given situation and then shares the solution the following week.
Interworks Blog - Interworks are a Tableau Gold Partner and their consultants regularly post on the Interworks Blog to help you get the best out of Tableau.
The Data School Blog - Part of The Information Lab, The Data School provides a traineeship programme for Tableau and Alteryx. Data School consultants regularly post here on what they’ve learned and useful hints and tips on Tableau.
Blogs that tend to post at least once a week
The Information Lab - The Information Lab are a Tableau Gold Partner offering training and consultancy, their blog is update regularly with Tableau tips and tricks and product news.
The Flerlage Twins - Tableau Zen Masters Kevin & Ken Flerlage’s blog where they tend to blog weekly with tips and how to articles as well as guest posts.
Viz Art Pandey - Rajeev Pandey is a Tableau Zen Master , four-times Tableau Ambassador and Tableau Featured Author. HIs blog covers topics on Tableau as well as Alteryx both from Rajeev and additional authors.
Tri My Data - Weekly blog where Eva Murray where gives her take on the week’s Makeover Monday challenge, providing analysis of the viz presented for makeover as well as her own re-working each week.
OneNumber - Eric Parker tends to post at least weekly with how to guides for Tableau as well as tips on a range of topics and also covers SQL and general data analysis techniques and insights.
New! Viz Zen Data - Lindsay Betzendahl is a current Tableau Public Ambassador and author of the Viz Zen Data blog. Recently Lindsay has started a ‘Monday Minis’ series where she shares quick tutorials in Tableau.
Tableau Tea Break - Us! We focus on publishing a weekly Tableau newsletter focussing on keeping you update with everything Tableau as well as sharing bonus posts and our own insights and tips on using Tableau.
Blogs that tend to post a few times a month
Coffee Table Viz - Since the start of 2020 Adam Green has been taking on an alphabet challenge coming up with a viz for every letter of the alphabet. The results are shared here along with additional examples of visualisations.
Biztory Blog - Biztory are a Tableau Gold Partner focussed in Europe offering Tableau training and consultancy. On their blog they share tips on using Tableau as well as posts on integrating Tableau with other software.
New! Antichaos Blog - Antichaos is a data visualisation and analysis agency focussing on Tableau. On their blog Johan shares useful insights and tips into Tableau.
Sarah Loves Data - Sarah Bartlett is a current Tableau Zen Master, a Tableau Social Ambassador and co-lead’s the London Tableau User Group, Sarah shares posts around data, analytics and Tableau and most recently has focussed on Iron Quest.
Datavis Blog - Marc Reid is a Tableau Public Ambassador since 2019 and a current Tableau Zen Master. His blog features useful tips and tricks on using Tableau.
Tessellation Blog - Tessellation are a consultancy provide advice and guidance on a number of analytical tools. On their blog they provide insights into many of these, including Tableau.
Blogs that tend to post once a month or less often
RosarioViz - As of the time of writing (end of Nov 2020) we’ve not seen any posts from Rosario in a while, previously Rosario has shared her attempts at workout Wednesday, in both English and Spanish.
Tableau Magic - Another one that’s been quite for a while (as of Nov 2020), Tableau Magic shares tutorials and insights on creating innovative charts and visualisations.
Data Revelations - Steve Wexler is a five time Tableau Zen Master as well as an Iron Viz champion. Through his Data Revelations blog he shares Tableau tips as well as running Chart Chat Live. We’ve not seen many posts from Steve recently (Nov’ 20).
Can I submit a blog for inclusion?
Of course, if you run a Tableau focussed blog or have a favourite blog that we’re missing drop us a note at either:
Twitter: @TableauTeaBreak
LinkedIn: alan-m-murray
Will you share my blog post?
Absolutely! Just mention @TableauTeaBreak on twitter, or drop us a note on the details above and if you’re post is relevant we’ll be happy to share it.
How can I keep updated?
Sign up to Tableau Tea Break using the form below and you’ll get our weekly newsletter, bonus posts and notifications when we update our top tableau blog posts!
Thanks for reading, if you found this useful we’d love it if you helped spread the word by sharing using the button below:
Alan @ Tableau Tea Break